Shared Pockets - A collaborative, multi-currency budget app for Android & iOS

Objective C, KVNProgress, SDWebImage, Firebase, Android SDK, Google
Play Services Auth, Retrofit, Glide, Facebook Android SDK

pockets google play app store play

top imagetop image


Shared Pockets is one of the first collaborative, and the most user-friendly and customizable budgeting app currently on the market.

Users can install it for free and start organizing their income streams, tracking their expenses and managing their budget, including for goals where they’re pooling in money with other users, in any currency that they need, as well as cryptocurrencies and gas.

Shared Pockets enables users to track and organize their income streams and expenses more efficiently, and even identify ways to cut expenses and save more money.


Project Manager


Full stack developers


UX Designer

The problem

Keeping track of multiple pockets and share them with family, friends or business partners.

Having multiple pockets where you can keep separate funds for each of your goals, in multiple currencies, cryptocurrency or measured in quantity of gas or other frequently purchased item. Now imagine being able to share some of these pockets with family or friends that pool money together for a common goal!

How we did it

Design process

The process it's adapted for any client's needs and can be changed according to the project size.


Workflow diagram

workflow workflow workflow


High fidelity wireframes

Wireframes are created to understand the basic structure of an app before UI Design.

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Visual design


iOS Application

The iOS app was developed using Swift 5.0, the development target is 11.0 and was built using MVC pattern including offline data support.

  • Alamofire for API requests
  • Server side Auth for login and registration using email and password
  • Local database for saving pockets and transactions data
  • Local storage for saving profile picture and transactions picture
  • Firebase Crash for sending crash reports to developers
  • Firebase Messaging for the notifications feature
  • Firebase Dynamic Links for inviting friends
  • Google SignIn for registration and login using a Google account
  • Facebook SignIn for registration and login using a Facebook account
  • Socket.IO for client to client live updates
  • iCarousel for displaying pockets in a cool mode
  • Charts for analyzing and showing reports that are interested for the client
  • Optik and WeScan for editing and analzying image data
  • SDWebImage for downloading and caching images

Android Application

  • Firebase for notifications, crash reports, dynamic link and app status
  • Retrofit with Moshi for REST API calls
  • Glide for loading images
  • Google Play Services Auth for login with Google account
  • Facebook Android SDK for login with Facebook
  • Room for offline data storage
  • Dagger for initialisation
  • WorkManager for background syncronization