
Nextbite is an app system for the food industry that offers a brand new experience for the staff and their clients.


ReactNative, Redux, Firebase Database, Mvc, Entity, Angular

Nextbite client

Our client is a company based in Kuwait. The software product we designed for him is a virtual restaurant for the food industry.

Nextbite is a solution for the restaurants' industry, developed in a web administration interface. It consists of an app system (one for the client and one for the waiter).

The product wants to replace classical menus and simplify the ordering process for foods. From his app, the client sees information about the products in the restaurant, the menu, pricing, and restaurant contact information.

nextbite needs

The client wanted to create a subscription-based online restaurant platform which offers top services for their staff and the clients who want to order in a modern and safe way.

We built for the client exactly what he wanted by joining our experience and clear communication with a set of clear instructions from his end.


The system we built consists of two apps which can be used by the client, the waiter, and the location administrator. Both apps are built in React Native.

The backend part is where the API is located and which communicates with the database, all built in .NET. Firebase is used to communicate in real-time between apps.

nextbite needs

User’s benefits

  • The first step you need to take in the platform to use it is to get permissions from the platform’s admins. The second step is to customize your store, take in orders and fulfill them, it’s that simple.
  • When the app is used by the waiter he can see a layout of the restaurant with the tables, accept orders from clients in real-time, accept or modify an order and then send it to the client. He can also answer the notifications from the clients and place the clients at the tables for them to start ordering.
  • He can also see the tablets destined for the clients in his location and can disconnect, block or delete them from the system. For the administrator is also available to see the menu and food availability and the food’s gaskets.
  • Among the benefits the client has is the ability to see the menu online, he can call a waiter, add foods in the basket, send orders to the waiter, evaluate the restaurant, give feedback and pay for what he ordered by cash or card.
  • When the app is used by the location administrator, he has the same rights as the waiters. He can see the waiters tablets in his location and he can disconnect, block or delete them from the system.

Client’s benefits from working with us

  • Among the client’s benefits from working with us include fast turnaround for changes, great communication and increased attention to details. By choosing us, we managed to build him an app with all the features he had in mind at the beginning of the project.
  • He found in us a great partner, ready to listen and always spot on the changes he requested.