Whenever you need a simple and inexpensive solution for accepting credit cards for phone and email orders or if you need to accept credit cards in real-time on your website use LinkPoint. When you sign up for a merchant account with First Data Independent Sales just for a limited time only you can get the LinkPoint Gateway absolutely for free.
If you are using the LinkPoint gateway you already know that it is integrated with most shopping cart software. To set it up is very easy, all that is required is to enter the Merchant ID number. To ensure that they have integrated the LinkPoint Gateway just check with your shopping cart software vendor. With LinkPoint Connect ,you can create an order form on your webpage, so copy and paste HTML code that we provide into that web page and you will have a “ Pay Now” button added. This button links to an SSL payment form on the LinkPoint server where the final payment is submitted.
LinkPoint API allows merchants SSL security, fraud protection tools, plus tax and shipping calculators also the application programming interface is a complete payment processing software for the merchant that requires a more sophisticated solution.
LinkPoint Central is the administrative portal that is included with all version of the LinkPoint Gateway and allows transactions to be manually entered and processed. This website is a web-based application enabling unlimited number of simultaneous users. This system is ideal for mail or phone order business maintaining a high reliability rate in the industry, using 5 big telecommunications providers and 2 bases to have a constant availability to its customers 24/7 .