New Features And Enhancements of the SQL Server 2014

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SQL Server 2014, the latest upgrade to Microsoft’s popular relational database management system has been announced by the company to be available on the market since April 1st 2014. With this new release Microsoft presents some new features to keep up with its high standards imposed over the years. We were a little bit curious […]

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Android, let’s chat!

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Google announced the release of Google Cloud Messaging, aka GCM, as a replacement for its Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) protocol in one of the past Google IO Conferences.

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Tips and Ways for a healthier Web Developer’s life

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The ugly truth about long hours of inactivity on a regular indoor working day Staying at your desk in front of your computer at some point may seem relaxing as you have so many options for leisure, but what about when your “job” is to stay at your PC for numerous hours each day to […]

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Roweb endorses this year’s edition of National Computer Science Contest

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Roweb Development is one of the sponsors of Pitesti 2014 National Computer Science Contest organized by National Education Ministry. The following local and county institutions as well as renowned colleges and high schools that over time had great results in such contests, participate : “ Alexandru Odobescu “National College Pitesti, “ Ion C. Bratianu” National […]

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Roweb’s path to the future

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We are a highly experienced software development company that has been operating in the web-services market for more than a decade, implementing sophisticated projects for small or major corporate clients.

2014 is the tenth year of partnership between us and the University of Pitesti, which represents an important foundation stone for the future development of our company. We set up a work program and an internship with UPIT students to get them familiarized with our ways of work and the needs of the market profile in which we operate. Given the fact that most of our programmers were UPIT students, we offer all necessary support for their future evolution.

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Plata RCA goes mobile on Android and iOS devices

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A Pitesti based company, has launched Plata RCA mobile app for Android and iOS users, making vehicle owners’ life as easy as possible when it comes to ordering via internet for the suitable RCA insurance policy.

Anyone can easily buy the desired RCA insurance using his mobile phone, the document is delivered by courier to the mentioned postal address via Plata RCA mobile application. Plata RCA app is straightforward and fast and by filling in vehicle’s and owner’s data users can choose the most advantageous insurance.

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Over 3 years of Plata-RCA in Romania

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Plata RCA, slowly but surely became one of the major players in the auto insurance brokerage market from Romania.

The company’s main goal is to provide a unified tool for clients seeking best suited insurances at competitive prices, from a complete range of RCA agencies such as: Omniasig, Asirom, Astra Asigurari, Euroins, Carpatica ASIG, Allianz Tiriac, BCR Asigurari, UNIQA, Abc, Generali Asigurari, Groupama Asigurari, Ardaf.

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Mobile design for Asp.NET WebForms: Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX offers now an alternative to Twitter Bootstrap

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We are in the age of seamless connections, where smartphones long surpassed regular cell phones use, where tablets sales skyrocketed and where mobile devices generate more web browsing than any existing technology. People all over the globe use all sorts of handsets to navigate the web, to work or just leisure. It is estimated that this year, over 79% of the Internet users will go online via mobile handsets at least once per month, which compared to 2013 has increased from a 73.4% figure.

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2014 is the 3rd year of colaboration between Roweb and Ezbee is an online social network for small businesses and vendors aiming to sell and promote their creations through online showrooms. Unlimitted free showrooms are made available for entrepreneurs from all over the world through a complex and intuitive website.

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10 Years of Roweb, a glance in the past and plans for the future!

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In 2014 we will celebrate 10 years of existence under Roweb brand. During all these years we have built a good reputation by developing and delivering successful projects for clients across the world. Our team of specialists and collaborators has grown constantly during time, now being able to offer a larger portfolio of services and customizable software solutions to big media or online management companies helping them achieve their goals and increase business competitiveness.

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